It's been a long time since i made a posting out here, Well it was the winter and I was hibernating you might say. Well I actually was transitioning a whole lot in these past 6 months or so. I can't believe how quickly time flies. To my surprise in my LinkedIn profile I found that I am in my new job for about 6 months now.
I have been busy though finally I have mustered enough courage to say I can write unit tests pretty well and most important of all I made the choice to transition from C# to Java. As surprising its for people who might read it here and it was something which i thought about carefully before i chose the move. It really came at a time when i was LINQing my way to glory.
One of the prime reasons being the team i wanted to be part of when I took the offer. (Also more on the effect of interviewers who interviewed me on that very day). When i got the offer my recruiter told me clearly I would be working on services development for iPad and Android. Oh Yes! So you know the reason of my big switch from all these years of C#. I don't miss it though for I am stackoverflow just about everyday and I keep my tabs on those two. Ironically the options I had to choose from were very difficult and other offer which I gave up was services development on .Net 4.0. Both shared the traits of being major healthcare providers here in US. Well I have a more sense of fulfillment right now that my work would impact a whole lot of people directly.
So that's the story of how I became a Java developer. Transition from Visual studio to Eclipse wasn't that hard because of grad school experience with Java. But Eclipse is not Visual studio because of its glitches but serves the purpose of being an IDE very clearly. I certainly picked up a bunch of key attributes in this hibernation phase to write nifty little unit tests. I didn't realize how much powerful they were primarily because in all my previous companies they had an extensive testing team to backup the developers for testing but in here every developer has to be their own tester which includes unit tests initially followed by Integration tests which are black box tests.
I have written a demo restful web service (which I would post here next time definitely. I promise :D) which I thought could be very useful for anyone to pick it up easily. For I was writing a bit of those when i started out now I am working on a rather different but exciting story for the moment right now. I finally have sometime on my hands to update my blog which seemed to be getting some attention recently.
Plus next time would be my recent exploits on Kindle Fire and as fate would've it I ended up with 2 iPads as well. One was given to me at my work for testing out the services. Any takers for my old iPad?
Until Next time!!
PS: Yawns... Finally out of slumber well and truly